I began this photographic series a few years ago while exploring my sense of belonging in foreign landscapes. The connection between my homeland and the new land is nature. Being in nature for me is like being with my mother. It provides a sense of comfort and nurture, regardless of how different the landscapes of both homes feel.

I express my sense of belonging by searching for pieces that remind me of home. However, it is a very complex feeling that moves me to photograph intuitively. For this series, I photographed myself, objects I brought from home, and my surroundings. I present this project as a series of diptychs. By juxtaposing the images, I hope to create a dialogue between them.

such loneliness — / amidst the blooming flowers, — / an old cypress tree

Matsuo Basho

After Jokyo 5 (1688)

Personal Porject Landscapes of Home. Lilit Danielyan photographer | filmmaker | teaching artist
Personal Porject Landscapes of Home. Lilit Danielyan photographer | filmmaker | teaching artist